Capitol District & I-10 West Corridor Visioning Workshops

The City of Phoenix secured a Federal Transit Administration (FTA) grant to advance two Transit-Oriented Communities (TOC) projects in two critical areas: the Capitol District and the I-10 West Corridor.

These TOC projects are strategically designed to enhance the Capitol District and I-10 West Corridor communities in anticipation of Valley Metro Light Rail extensions into these areas.

Workshop Instructions

The following activities are intended to allow you to provide your thoughts, feedback, and vision for the future of the TOC projects in your respective community.

To begin, select the tab for your area and follow the instructions on each activity. Infographics are provided to show existing conditions and an overview of the project.

Please press Submit after each section, look for the dark red buttons.

Introduction Video

Introduction Video

Capitol District Survey

Capitol District Visioning Workshop

Transit oriented communities are compact, walkable neighborhoods centered around transit. The City of Phoenix is developing a plan for transit oriented communities around the light rail extension into the Capitol District and we want to hear your vision for the area!

The community-based vision will serve as a foundation for the project team to develop supporting illustrations, policies, and strategies toward implementing more walkable transit oriented communities.

Capitol District Existing Conditions

Land Use



You're halfway there keep going!

Economic Development

5. What are some solutions to increase business diversity in the Capitol District?

Examples: improving landscaping, safety, lighting, policies, etc... (max 140 characters).

You have 140 characters left
Moderation Policy

30 June, 2024

adamehunt says:

Increase bike lanes, landscaping, bike racks. Reduce parking and traffic. Increase shaded areas.

28 June, 2024

Erina says:

Redevelop parking lots into mixed-use areas. Improve walkability and likability along the corridor.

18 June, 2024

NMV says:

improving safety

17 June, 2024

BBQ says:

Better walkability around businesses. For ex. Grand Ave love walking to the businesses there, would love more activity, lighting & events

6. What do you want the people who work for the state to know about this area?

You have 140 characters left
Moderation Policy

No submissions yet.



Green Systems & Health

Imagine a future where this community is known for being a vibrant and healthy community. What features does it have?

Green systems include features such as parks, open spaces, trails, etc. (max 140 characters).

You have 140 characters left
Moderation Policy

30 June, 2024

adamehunt says:

More parks, more shaded areas. Lower speed limits. Fewer car lanes. More bike lanes.

28 June, 2024

Erina says:

Shade, eco-friendly plants, clean public transportation, good walkable and bikable infrastructure.

18 June, 2024

NMV says:

Access to quality and affordable: housing, childcare, healthcare, groceries. Shaded parks, water stations, community centers.

17 June, 2024

BBQ says:

More trees/shade, more events for community to meet each other and not have to drive a car to get there.

21 May, 2024

Hdunphy says:

It would be nice to have some picnic tables under shade trees at the Wesley Bolin Plaza. State employees could have lunch at the park.


I-10 West Corridor Survey

I-10 West Corridor TOC Visioning Workshop

Transit oriented communities are compact, walkable neighborhoods centered around transit. The City of Phoenix is developing a plan for transit oriented communities around the light rail extension along the I-10 West Corridor and we want to hear your vision for the area!

The community-based vision will serve as a foundation for the project team to develop supporting illustrations, policies, and strategies toward implementing more walkable transit oriented communities.

I-10 West Corridor Existing Conditions

Land Use



You're halfway there, keep going!

Economic Development

5. What are some solutions to increase business diversity in the I-10 West Project Area?

Examples: improving landscaping, safety, lighting, policies, etc... (max 140 characters).

You have 140 characters left
Moderation Policy

No submissions yet.

6. What do you want the people who work for the state to know about this area?

You have 140 characters left
Moderation Policy

No submissions yet.



Green Systems & Health

Imagine a future where this community is known for being a vibrant and healthy community. What features does it have?

Green systems include features such as parks, open spaces, trails, etc. (max 140 characters).

You have 140 characters left
Moderation Policy

No submissions yet.
